martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

Good or Bad Company

I think that the group Purdy Motor (Toyota Costa Rica) is a good company because it has differents work areas that help to the people in the sector occupational, social, politic and natural.

The areas of group Purdy Motor are: collaborators, Community, Fundation Purdy, Governance, and Enviroment.

These areas are based in important aspects like working environment of employees, developed plans of communities, responsabilites of shareholders and directors and the protection of the enviroment.

Other important aspect is that Toyota produce cars with concepts like security, confortability and savings for ease the live of people and contributing with protection of the enviroment.

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Dream Job

 I am a Computer Engineer, this job is very interesting because I can learn new things about Tecnology and other important aspects like networks, software and hardware.
The Computation is a excelent tools for new generations because it help in the different activities that they do in theirs lives.

In Costa Rica, the job Computer Engineer has a lot of prestige, people that work in this area have a good salary and the companies need people that work in Computation because actually the competition between companies is very high and computation helps to increment the benefits.

I think that nightmare job will be trash collector, because in this job people don't earn a lot of money and it will produce diseases in people that work in this area.

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2011

Why I stay here

I stay in this class for this reasons:
  • Practice my pronunciation.
  • Learn new vocabulary.
  • I need practice my english.
I hope to learn new things, vocabulary and other important aspects.

I like songs and  speech. For me the English is very important  because it is a language that a lot of people talk around the world and is necesary learn for can talk with  these people.