jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2011

Self Evaluation

Assignment 1: 9/10:  I think that the post was a nice work because it was concrete and clearly. This post had little mistakes. In this post I didn’t comment other posts of my classmates.

Assignment 2: 9/10:  This post was great because I explained the behaviors and values of simple form. In this homework also I didn’t comment other posts.

Assignment 3: 9/10:  In this post I explained the word culture with easier words of understands, also I described of clearly form the values that I practice with other people.

Assignment 4: 9/10:  This post was a good work, I had mistake with the grammar but the information was interesting and complete.

Assignment 5: 9/10:   The post of culture shock was a good job, I had mistake in the end paragraph also I didn’t comment the post of the other people but the information was concrete and clearly.

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2011

Culture Shock

I know that Culture Shock is a physiological and psychological stress experienced when a traveler must adjust to a new culture differently from his own.  I haven’t experienced a Culture Shock and also I don’t know people that have experienced this stress.  I would deal with Culture Shock having patience and understanding the differences between my culture and the new culture.

If a friend suffered culture shock I would give advices like; talk with friends or people that he or she knows and don’t panic. 

There are personalities traits like be himself, keep your sense of humor, have patience and to understand that he or she will surrounded of strange smells, sounds, signals, people and food; these traits can prevent  and might make more or less severe the culture shock.  

jueves, 18 de agosto de 2011


My name has two words; Juan that means full of grace and the word José that means who God exalts.  My mother and my father were who named me; they chose this name because three days after of my birth date is day of San José.  

I like my name because the meaning of it included to God, who always helps us in the all activities that we do. 

If I had children, the names would be Mary-Kate if I had a daughter or Matthew if I had a boy, the name Matthew means gift of God and Mary-Kate means pure, it represent the purity.

Personal Culture

I think that culture is a group of aspects and actions that people share or inherit with other people, like traditions, food, language, etc.

My personal culture includes values like:
  •  Solidarity:  Normally I help to other people when they have problems with some things or activities, because after they will help me if I have problems with something.
  • Egalitarianism:  I think that all people have the same rights and nobody is more than other.
  • Respect for age: I respect the old people because they have a lot of life experience and they can teach to young people important aspects for theirs.
  • Responsibility:  The responsibility is important aspect in the life because without this value the life of people is a mess. 


viernes, 5 de agosto de 2011


The first action was in Esparza, Puntarenas, I observed someone was helping to walk to someone sick, this person has cerebral palsy.  I think that culture values are egalitarianism and solidarity.

The second behavior was in Palmares, the young man helped to old man to carry the bags of the grocery shopping to his car. I think that value is Respect for age.
And the third action was in San Carlos, a driver stopped his car for that some students could to cross the street, the culture value is courtesy

miércoles, 27 de julio de 2011


 I think that the culture is group of important aspects that people of countries, towns or cities share like beliefs, traditions, foods, language, jobs etc.

The language is very important aspect in the culture because it is the faculty that use people for express and transmit their thinking. Is important studying the language of some places because I can understand the lifestyle, thinking and activities that people do.

The Costa Rican culture is very interesting for foreigners because it has important aspects like the conservation of nature, the little pollution, archaeological heritage and personal values like friendship, charity, respect, etc.  Costa Rican culture also has bad aspects like thefts, social problems like drug addiction and prostitution that affect to foreigners that visit Costa Rica.
I like of the American Culture the punctuality; American people start the activities on time instead in Costa Rican people forever start late the activities because people arrive late too. 

I like of the Costa Rican Culture the conservation of nature because it is a very important aspect for the future of the world and next generations.  

In Costa Rican Culture I would change aspects like punctuality and the vagrancy, because these aspects affect the development of the country.