Week 1: 8/10 The realized job in this post was good because I explained what and how my family normally eat, I think that my vocabulary was good but in some sentences, the grammar had some mistakes.
Week 2: 9/10 I think that the job of this post was better than first post because in this post I explained the ideal location for business in Costa Rica, also I explained that kind of business would be developed in this area.
Week 3: 9/10 In this post I explained the topic of my first presentation, I feel that the job was very good because I explained some aspects about the travel itinerary of the trip to San Andres Island. The Grammar was good and I used the appropriate vocabulary for this topic.
Week 4: 8/10 I feel that the job in this post was good because I invented a short story with a few grammar mistakes and I used the all words related with the topic. The structure of the story was good and the story had coherence.
Week 5: 8/10 I feel that the job in the post was good because I presented an interesting topic for debate, the viewpoints were erroneous but the topic was very important for people.