This story begins in a small town called Buenos Aires, in this town lived a hard working man who always dreaming with to fly to Spain, but he didn’t have enough money to do a journey of this magnitude. One day he went to San José to buy some things for repairing his house because the rain season would begin in any moment, he bought the things in a store that regaled a cruise to Spain, the people could participate if their shopping value exceeded twenty thousand colones, he made some shopping for twenty two thousand colones.
Two days later, the manager of the store called him to tell that he was the winner of the cruise to Spain with insurance included, and one credit card with two thousand dollars for spending, he couldn’t believe it and he thought that it was a joke, but after of verifying that it was true, he searched his passport, he prepared his luggage with two suitcases and he waited anxiously for the trip.
The day of the travel he took the bus like transport for arrive to airport, he arrived with five hours ahead to prevent some problems, also he carried his luggage for prevent thefts and for take care the Euros that he had bought for the trip. In the airport he knew a lot of people that who planned business trips to Europe for present their companies that export outdoors items to different countries. He really enjoyed the sightseeing cruise to Spain and he would hope to know other countries of Europe in the future.
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