miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

Kind of Business and Ideal location

Kind of Business: Preventive maintenance of computers in places of Guanacaste

Actually the majority of people use computers, in Guanacaste isn´t the exception. The hotels use those equipments for different tasks like reservations, control of guests or administrative labors. 

In Guanacaste exist less places where fix computers or provide preventive maintenance, for this and others reasons I think that this business is very profitable. Other important reason is the price because actually who do those labors gain a lot of money.  

I think that I can talk with administrative people of hotels for to hire works of preventive maintenance or cleaning of computers with better prices that the competition.  

The best places where I can to open this business are beach´s hotels in the zone of Liberia or around of Guanacaste.

2 comentarios:

  1. I think Juan Jose´s idea is a good ones because maybe in those places the people who needs employess with this ability and study to fix the computers are difficult to find but if you have a good business with this kind of service the hotel´s owner call you as soon as they need and if you work well as they expect you can be hired earn a lot of money and the company can develop better in the computers environment.

  2. Nice work, Juan Jose and Gaby!

